An artistic illustration of the proposed Leaway Park development

Keystone, in partnership with GLA Land and Property Ltd are bringing forward plans for vibrant new public spaces and connections on the banks of the River Lea at Leaway Park in the Royal Docks as part of our approved Thameside West masterplan.

The plans

Leaway Park sits on the banks of the River Lea, adjacent to the Lower Lea Crossing and opposite Trinity Buoy Wharf. It is currently inaccessible and characterised by overgrown shrubs.

We will create:

Lush new greenery and recreational spaces, including opportunities for play

New footpaths and cycle routes, including step free access

Enhanced flood capacity and sustainable drainage

Ecology areas for habitat creation, including trees, native planting, wildlife and bird and bat hides, with education boards for learning opportunities

Improved connectivity which will integrate a public ramp with the cycle superhighway from the southern side of the Lower Lea Crossing, which is being proposed by Transport for London

An image showing the proposed improvements for Leaway Park

Story so far!

In October 2021, planning permission was granted to deliver a new neighbourhood at Thameside West in the Royal Docks.

Once complete, this new neighbourhood will deliver up to 5,000 new homes (with around 1700 affordable homes), alongside new workspaces, retail and leisure facilities, 5.7 acres of public open space, a DLR station, primary school, nursery and a number of community facilities.

We’re now looking to deliver the first phase of our masterplan and are bringing forward a Reserved Matters Application for Leaway Park.


Project timeline

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